Friday, May 31, 2013

The Wayfarer

I have been travelling so much that I decided that I need a space to consolidate all my thoughts and memories I had accumulated over the past years.

I like to think of it as my online travel journal, a place I can go to reminisce about the past, a place I can go to when I need some inspiration or when I am sad, that just by looking at all these journeys I took, my mood will instantly be lifted, I would have the same passion for life ignited in my once again. Or simply just to read and smile about the past.

I have been to countless places and each one holds a special place in my heart. Good or bad. It doesn't matter. What matters is your reaction to the situation at that time. And I like to think of it as a life lesson, that each one makes me a better person.

There are moments that I have lost my temper, become impatient with service staff, cursed at the weather and moped about feeling sorry for myself when things don't go my way. Especially during my earlier traveling years.

But wayfaring around has taught me a lot of things along the way:

Here's what I learnt:

1. Good and bad things will happen, it's important NOT to fret and just improvise

2. No matter how well you plan your trip, not ALL things will go as planned.

3. Keep cool and levelheaded

4. Listen more, talk less

5. Everyone has different opinions, yours is not necessarily right, neither is theirs. It's just different.

6. Sun block is extremely important

7. It's good to be on your guard but at the same time, being overly suspicious will make you paranoid.

8. Be open minded to new experiences

9. Try out the local cuisine at least once

10. be respectful to cultures and traditions no matter how funny or absurd they seem. Each race has a grand history.

11. Be kind and generous to people, it will always come back to you.

12. It's always nice to give tips when they least expect it.

13. Be thankful for the hot water you have at home and clean toilet bowls too. A lot of countries in Asia especially don't have "modern" ones

14. It's okay to want to just stay in the hotel room all day and not go sight seeing. Especially when the hotel itself has fantastic facilities you can use.

15. It's okay to want to go to the beach but not go for a swim.

16. It's okay to travel by yourself.

17. You will meet people, some you will love straightaway, some you can hardly stand to speak another word too. But it's so interesting to have conversations with so many different types of personalities.

18. You find yourself feeling sad at having to say goodbye to friends you just met and know you will never see again.

19. It's okay not to feel like taking any photographs

Of course, there are plenty more that I have learnt along the way. These are just some of the things that popped into my head.